
Showing posts from May, 2022


How many of you are aware that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a skill? This talent, like any other, maybe learned, but it's sad that health has always been viewed as a state that we are born with, and that disease has been viewed as nothing more than an accident or a terrible event. Why have we not been taught health if it is a skill? This question must be in your thoughts. This is due to the fact that our current educational system places a bigger premium on old grading systems than on the individual who possesses a brilliant, amazing, and magical body and mind. Recent cell biology research has revealed that our bodies undergo physiological changes as a result of the information we give them. These changes occur without our knowledge. There are two types of information that reach our cells: resourceful and unresourceful. Our physiological condition differs between these two situations. When resourceful, we are in the rest and growth phase of our life; when resourceless, we are

Is it possible to compare cancer with terrorism? Acceptance and negotiation are only ways to solve a problem, not to start a battle!

Cancer and terrorism are comparable in that a terrorist is someone who, after being subjected to oppression, took up arms and started a revolt, and then, to validate his point of view, killed other people. Cancer cells, which are similar to normal cells, alter their mode of operation as a result of constant and immediate environmental abuse and act abnormally. This causes cancer cells to behave in a Hayward manner. In both cases, the cause is an unfavourable situation that changes the behaviour and attitude of the cells and the person. Our cells or citizens have turned against us in both cases. I'd like to ask everyone a question. Is it true that the world population defeated terrorism by fighting it? If you look back in history, you will notice that in such situations, peace has always been achieved through dialogue and acceptance. Cancer may also be eradicated from the body if, rather than battling and straining to win, we accept the reality and learn to conquer it by working at

मेरा स्वास्थ्य मेरी जिम्मेदारी है: वह नारा जो आपकी जिंदगी को हमेशा के लिए बदलने वाला है..

  आप में से कितने लोग जानते हैं कि स्वस्थ जीवन शैली को बनाए रखना एक कौशल है? यह प्रतिभा, किसी भी अन्य की तरह, सीखी जा सकती है, लेकिन यह दुखद है कि स्वास्थ्य को हमेशा एक साधारण स्थिति के रूप में देखा गया है जिसके साथ हम पैदा हुए हैं, और बीमारी को एक दुर्घटना या भयानक घटना से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं देखा गया है। अगर स्वास्थ्य एक कौशल है तो हमें स्वास्थ्य क्यों नहीं सिखाया गया? यह सवाल आपके मन में जरूर आना चाहिए। यह इस तथ्य के कारण है कि हमारी वर्तमान शिक्षा प्रणाली पुराने ग्रेडिंग सिस्टम पर अधिक प्रीमियम रखती है और हमारा शरीर जिसके पास एक शानदार, अद्भुत और जादुई दिमाग है उसे निम्न समझते है। हाल के कोशिका जीव विज्ञान अनुसंधान से पता चला है कि हमारे शरीर में दी गई सूचना के परिणामस्वरूप हमारे शरीर में शारीरिक परिवर्तन होते हैं। ये परिवर्तन हमारी अचेतन मन से होते हैं। हमारे मस्तिष्क तक दो प्रकार की सूचनाएँ पहुँचती हैं: साधन संपन्न और गैर-संसाधन। इन दोनों स्थितियों के बीच हमारी शारीरिक स्थिति अलग है। जब साधन संपन्न होते हैं, तो हम अपने जीवन के विश्राम और विकास के चरण में होते हैं; जब संसाधनहीन होते ह