
Showing posts from September, 2022

Type of People I've encountered during my journey along the path of healing.

I met three types of people in my last 31 years of practice as a doctor. The first group of people I met were those who came to me with a problem and began asking me why they had fallen victim to the disease. They then begin blaming everyone and everything around them, including the current healthcare system and doctors, the fee structure, and their inability to pay. They are the people who are dissatisfied with their lives and have doubts about everything. They then travel from one system of medicine to another in search of a good doctor and a good hospital. They are literally on a health shopping mission. This represents more than 80% of the people I encountered.  The second group of people I met blamed themselves for their current health problems and were looking for a solution. They have accepted responsibility for their actions in the past and wish to work on themselves in order to improve their health in the future. They remain calm while attempting to comprehend the scope of the