“You Can Choose To Be A Person With Ill Health Ignoring The Power Within You Or You Can Choose To Remain Healthy Forever As You Are Designed To Be By Nature.”


I am BISWAJIT; The Doctor Who Cares for your health...... 

I am with a series of health education materials that will open up a new set of informative collections for all of you. let's start with the basics of health ...The Philosophy.


Philosophy is simply what you know. Health philosophy is just knowing the basics of your body and mind so that you can navigate yourself to a better you than before. Remember health is not just not having any illness but also the ability to enjoy your life to the maximum & your philosophy sets the course of your health. So it's important to know from where you are getting the information while you are on your journey towards a healthier body and mind

To understand health philosophy we have to know the different types of philosophy.

According to Jim Rohn

1.    The first one is Basic Philosophy which we develop as a child. This is where our body starts processing information right away. For example; cold is bad, warm is good etc. This is what is gathering information and reacting to it. We are born with this basic Philosophy.

2.    the second is Expanded Philosophy which we develop to make a living. This is the philosophy that we gainfully employ and offer value to society. We find a place in the marketplace through this philosophy. Most of us use this philosophy of health which we mostly gather from our immediate environment. Our family, neighbours, education, religion etc.

3.    The third and most important one is Refined Philosophy which brings success and good life. We all must refine our philosophies and weigh everything before acting on it. This philosophy of health comes from

·       Extra studies

·       Extra books

·       Extra classes

·       Extra thinking

·       Extra pondering

·       Extra give and take

·       Debate and discussion

These new extra skills and new intellectual discoveries are where we build our philosophy which brings health and happiness into our life.

Our philosophy comes from the influences around us and to find out  where we are today we have to ask;

who am I around,

what are they doing to me,

where are they got me going?

What are they got me reading

What are they got me thinking,

What are they got me saying & the most important what they have got me becoming?

Philosophy plays a major role in the development of our health and it depends on

1. What we think

2. How we Speak

3. & The formulation of ideas.

The biggest role is the way the ideas and information of good health are processed and evaluated.

Now the question is how do we know about the things we are supposed to know.  For sure we pick up the information and knowledge while on life’s journey. from people who influence us.

Ideas Are Simply Information Taking A Form.

In our subconscious mind, we weigh our ideas of good health on our mental scale and give a number from 1-10. If we come across any information & give it 10, we probably act on it right away. If we give it 1, we probably let it slide. Now the necessity of evaluation comes into play, where our perception plays an important role. Our perception then decides the value of the ideas, that have come to our minds. So it's important to keep our mental scale in balance so that we can weigh the information properly.

Someone had rightly said, “Life accumulates”. We are either accumulating Health Or Illness, Debt Or Value, Regrates Or Equity Of Life, The Pain Of Discipline Or The Pain Of Regrating.

The pain of discipline is the need for refining our philosophy of health, though it is laborious and uncomfortable, to begin with. It certainly gives a push. It’s a very small price to pay so that you don't have to regrate.

Regrate weigh tons whereas discipline weighs in grams.

If you accept the early grams of the discipline of thoughts to refine your Health Goals you will not miss the treasure of health to accumulate in the coming months and coming years. These goals will set the course of our healthy life just like the sets of sail takes us to our desire destination.

Now take a pause and ask yourself…. “ where are my thoughts/goals taking me? “

We know very well that our present philosophy about our health is taking us somewhere.


One philosopher had said, “ I am either accumulating bad effects that I will be sorry for or I am accumulating good health that I will be happy about.”

What is your philosophy about activity, exercise, nutrition, epigenetics, power of your cells, our mind, breathing, gut activity, ageing, heart health, muscles and bones, body metabolism? if you know something, what is your depth in the subject? How much do you know?

Your philosophy about the above-mentioned areas will alter the rest of your life… not to think so is naïve.

To have a great heath philosophy we have to adopt The Ant Philosophy.

ANT philosophy is based on three things

1.    Ants never quit: whenever it gets an obstruction it will try to find out a new path to move on.

2.    Ants think of winter all summer: winter / ill health will come.  When we are healthy we should do everything that will prevent us from falling into the trap of diseases(summer).

3.    Ants think summer all the winter: Ants know this winter won’t last long and on the first warm day, the ants are out. When in ill health, find out the ways to come out from it as soon as possible, do everything to improve & reverse back to your natural health. Remember like winter it will not last long.

4.    Ants gather all they can all summer: Ants gather during the summer all they possibly can to prepare for the winter. Learn everything about your body when you are healthy and apply them to your health with anticipation to face the wintertime of health!

When we talk about abbot health philosophy average people look towards getting off the course but successful people always looks towards getting onto their health goals. We can always overcome our bad influences which affect our health at any point in time by simply changing our health philosophy. I am a living example of this phenomenon. The principles are the same but the roads to our destination may differ based on our health philosophy.

“Do all you Can” is a simple philosophy for a great body and mind. Trees grow to maximum below the ground and above the ground. They follow the rules of needs, but we human beings create limitations or obstacles for our own well being because of the power of choice given to us. The power to choose is a great weapon, you have to use it properly for a healthier you

“You Can Choose To Be A Person With Ill Health Ignoring The Power Within You Or You Can Choose To Remain Healthy Forever As You Are Designed To Be By Nature.”

Stay healthy

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