Do you feel that you are not at your peak health? Are you waiting for a message for your transformation call? Read the article.



According to a recent study, it was found that 95% of people are born healthy and only 5 % of people are born with disorders linked to "Defective Genes". 
And during this period of our growth, we all became the victims of diseases. 
The most common question that I came across during my 30 years of practice is, Why me? 
Why am I suffering from diseases and disabilities?

And as a Surgeon practising "modern medicine" for such a long time, my answers were just like a layman. 
I used to avoid the questions like this....and counsel my patients, to forget about why .... and to concentrate on the treatment part, for which I am an expert !!

As a doctor our training since the beginning is to:-

■Identify the disease(Diagnosis), 
■Asses the Prognosis
■Follow certain procedures to tackle the situation, based on the evidence we have gathered to manage them(Evidences Based Medicine).  

During those periods of advancement of medicine, we just ignored the basis on which this modern Medicine is thriving... 
We forget to explain to the people, that the methods we have adopted to treat is not 100% effective and may not be as effective for certain people. 
As the expectation for a cure from modern medicine is increasing rapidly, especially among the general mass ; 
"The Health Care System" in our country is failing to fulfil the expectations proportionately. 
We have forgotten the difference between Health and Disease. 
Unfortunately, the common man defines health as the absence of disease.  
We are designating hospitals, doctors, and modern medicine as 
"Health Care  Industry", whereas the only task of these establishments is to take care of diseases only. 

Hence the actual truth is that "Health" is a natural state of a person, and 
to remain healthy is our birthright. 
But strangely no one from the medical faculties, education system, or our government is talking about it.  

Are we missing something on this health journey? What is that missing link? 

10 years back with many such questions from my patients, I started the journey into a destination, where few of my doctor colleagues dared to venture. My only aim was to create awareness about Living Healthy!!
As a Master of Surgery, I had in-depth knowledge about the human body and mind, and great skill to manipulate disease states. But I was at a crossroads when I started to talk about health. 
I had to prepare myself to face the general public, with a new tool to explain health. But to my surprise, I found there were no takers for my new avatar.  
Two factors played a major roadblock for my mission "Health."

■ First, it was the strong belief system within my patients that they have to visit a doctor when they are ill.
■ Second, that disease come to them because of their bad luck.  

We doctor. ... also to some extent are responsible for the disease consciousness approach. 
Because of our busy schedule and lack of time for a normal healthy person, the management of a healthy lifestyle has gone mostly to unprofessionals, which made the general public confused. 
They are in a dilemma of whom to follow and whom to listen to. Everybody wants to encash the vacuum created by the silence of the scientific community, especially doctors. 

My journey from "Disease Consciousness" to "Health Consciousness" in a scientific manner started with the slogan,

"अपना स्वास्थ्य  अपने हाथ,यही है सच्चे  विकाश की बात"
   We Discuss Only Health...Not Disease".

Though the journey is tough and challenging, I have started enjoying it.

Educating and Creating awareness among people about the four aspects of healthy living can help to reduce the confusion among the general public. They are:-

1. To make people aware of their biology. The knowledge about the power of each cell they are made up of can create a  hope to renew themselves. They have to make themselves understand that they have the power to re-invent themselves, by just changing their perception of their environment.

2. Teaching the common man about the basic physiology of the human body, can help in making them strong enough to manipulate themselves to live longer and younger. 
Because basic understanding of Breathing Techniques and Exercise Physiology can change the lifestyle of anybody who can follow them. 

3. By making people understand the basics that their energy system and body metabolism can reduce the disease burden on society to a greater extent and keep them healthy forever.

4. Lastly they have to be made aware of the "Power Of Mind Over Body". 

A stress-free, peaceful and loving Mind is the key to a healthy body.   Meditation, prayer, and positive thinking, affirmation etc are a few of the important tools required for an active and healthy body. 

I do conduct such health motivational programs for the general public and name them as" Healthtainment " show. I am glad that people are now ready to learn about themselves and get conscious about their health.

I hope in the future more and more doctors will join me in my  

Dr Biswajit Mohapatra, MS, FMAS

Consultant Laparoscopic Surgeon.



  1. Great effort sir.
    This could be the solution to India's expanding healthcare problems in long term.
    All the best.

  2. Hii Dr Biswajit. I am glad at your efforts. I believe in the same. Food mind movement are our medicines. I hope every Indian becomes aware of this fact

  3. Deep thought on maintaining good health with self help. My best wishes for your programme


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