When we hear the word therapeutic, we immediately associate it with some type of drug or operative procedure performed on the body by a third party to support the adjustments necessary to restore health from unhealthy physical and mental circumstances.

We have no idea how powerful our bodies are when it comes to healing. The truth is that we are born healthy and have the power to stay healthy and die healthy because the code with which we came to this earth may do miracles if we nurture it properly.

The discovery of new biology provides us with a better understanding of cellular health, which runs counter to our current belief system. We are not our genes, but rather the information we convey to our epigenome at any given time.

With this insight, the therapeutic lifestyle works with the notion that by merely working on the sets of information we will be sending to our body through our five senses, we may make significant therapeutic changes in the body. These are a set of tools, diet information, exercise programmes, and mindset interventions that assist a person in regaining health without the use of traditional pharmaceuticals or procedures. It is an issue on which we must work diligently.

TLC is a comprehensive programme that teaches people how to work on the four pillars of health:

1. Our biology.

2. Our physiology.

3. Our energy production process.

4. Our mindset.

Someone correctly stated that our biology is determined by our biography. Working on our biographies requires us to work on ourselves on a daily basis. It matters what we do, what we watch, what we eat, how we speak, and where we live.

Are you aware of all of the above? Most individuals claim to be aware of it, but in truth, they are not.

Working on reliable dietary information to lower your blood cholesterol and understanding how to do so by selecting the right type of food and exercise for you, for example, can result in significant THERAPEUTICS changes in your body.

We don't know what we don't know, so let's figure out what we don't know and work to learn more.

Biswajit: The Doctor Who Cares for You!


  1. Very rightly said sir as the old saying goes " prevention is always better than cure "


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