Ist LETTER: I never should have gotten this far without GOING DEEP INSIDE MYSELF through SELF INTROSPECTION

Everything that happened to me screamed, “You’re gonna suffer!” But I was just stubborn enough to make it by relearning things that were important to me.

Some of my doctor friends in my hospital used to make fun of me when I started teaching about healthy living principles to people way back in 2010.

I was a workaholic till 2010. I used to be in the operation theatre for 16 to 18 hours a day. I had only one thing in mind ... if I am not going to operate on this patient then the patient might die.

In the end, it proved dangerous to me as I got a dangerous warning sign from the higher power and unknowingly I was dragged into a situation where everything to me was looking dark

I never made much money out of my hard work but 12 years of practice drained my body all its vital power. I was then standing at the most important crossroads of my life to take some tough decisions.
The decision I took that day was to change my way of living and doing my work. The change I Became on the way gradually made me come closer to you all and everything I did to improve my health got transformed into quotes, blogs, articles, books, live show and now in the form of digital products.

I was a little frustrated and angry with myself. One question that used to bother me a lot was " why me?" 

I did everything well for everyone but now I am a sufferer.

Instead of asking many disempowering questions, I started asking, " What My present health condition is trying to tell me? is it pointing me to do something more than what I am doing now?
I got my answer during the period when I was getting myself investigated. This is what will make you all surprise

Wants to know more about it?

Then something amazing happened...

I started analyzing my life story retrospectively from 2010 back to 1985. Everything just started playing like a movie in front of me. I was viewing myself as the most dynamic Hero of my life movie, taking every effort to jump to the next stage of my life game. I found myself doing great and was honest, sincere, loyal to everyone including my patients and institution.

Suddenly I notice something unusual in my story. I found the hero was not at all honest to himself. His attitude towards himself was very superficial and was neglecting his body and mind at all the stages of his life.

I felt sorry for myself and decided to start a new course of life where the importance will be given to the Hero, so he can serve mankind in a better and smarter way.
A new beginning of my journey towards health started...

follow me for future articles

The realisation made my focus shift to my own body and mind.
But a greater puzzle was going to be unravelled to me within the next few days. and I was totally unaware of it.

I thought of doing something for my body and mind, the next question came to my mind 'what am I going to do?'
I realised at that point in my life that I don't have much health knowledge. I realised I am a great disease care professional but health is a different area of expertise.

Suddenly a thought came to mind, " After 20 years of association with modern medicine if I do not have much know-how then what is the fate of a common man?"
this made me start my learning again by keeping a different perspective.

I am now in front of you to share my knowledge with you

I love helping people who are just like I was not too long ago. My realization that we doctors are good Disease care professionals but not good at health made me start learning health. I started revisiting my Basics of body anatomy and physiology and our biology. I went through the latest research on human biology and epigenetics. The newer findings totally changed my philosophy of health and diseases. and I started getting the benefits of my knowledge as I was applying it to my own body. It's time to share it with you all now

Nobody is born knowing how to maintain health. Nobody is born knowing the secrets of good health, practices and methods.

But the cool thing is all that can be learned.

In fact, a lot of times it’s easier for people with no knowledge because they don’t have to UNLEARN anything. They just need to jump into action.

Why is this important to you?:
This is super important to you because I’ve seen how much life sucks when you have to suffer because of your ignorance and you don’t know how to prevent it as your basic health knowledge is poor.
I’ve also seen how amazing life can be when you DO know how to use the right things in the right way, at the right time.
Your ability to Learn self healthcare can literally change your life and the lives of your family members forever

But more on that later...

For now, I’d love to get your feedback on what I just shared with you. Do you have a message to share, but you’re not sure how to express it? Have you tried to discuss it in the past, but come up short?

I’d love to know more about where you are on your journey right now.

Go ahead and write on the comment box. My team and I monitor what you write and even though I’m not always able to reply, I read every message I get.

Hit the comment box and let me know what you think...

I'll share more with you tomorrow,

Biswajit: the doctor who cares for you!



  1. Yes you have right ✅said. I am also at same junction where were you as mentioned in your statement.
    I have done the lot for others than my self.
    Now want to sail with prime focus on my self means my body mind and soul.
    Shall feel happy to sail ⛵with you in this journey.
    With regards

  2. Please respond to my above comment. Suresh Chand jain

  3. Thank you Mr Suresh for your honest confesion... we are together on this journey.


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