Dive deep into yourselves to understand this Body of Minds..... Confused?? Decode your Cellular Health ...READ THE ARTICLE TO HAVE A GLIMPS OF THE BODY POWER

Let's go on a voyage to explore this wonderful body as a cytonaught and discover its potential and power stored in it.

Wait. Are you afraid? If so.. take a deep breath and close your eyes to visualize your inner world.
It's a wonderful sanctuary created by God where everything is spontaneous and no one to supervise it. Millions of functions are going on simultaneously without any conflicts and the byproducts are being sent to the required spots effortlessly.

This is the power of our cells that keeps us going on this life's journey. Let's know about a few of the extraordinary parts of this machine called the human body.

Well... The moment you step your foot inside the cellular world a hissing sound will attract your attention. When you will follow that sound calmly that will lead you to oval-shaped structures looking like a generator. These structures are known as Mitochondria, the powerhouse of our body. These generators go on to produce the energy required to sustain our life. The energy produced is immediately being stored in millions of rechargeable batteries called ATP.

ATP are the energy currency of our body. Which over part of our body needs energy for our functioning, ATPs are being supplied to them and they release the energy for the use and again come back to get recharged.

When we say we feel weak.. this is the indication of less production of energy for use as compared to the demand. This is the secret of our power.

After visiting the generator site if you start moving around you will have the view of huge factories without any boundary. Three factories are known as ribosomes. The energy to run the factories comes from the generators.

These factories produce the proteins which are the building blocks of our body. We the living beings are nothing but protein machines. We are made up of around 1.5 lacs of different proteins, which are being produced by these factories.

The proteins are the worker molecule of our body. They constitute all the organs, tissues, hormones, enzymes, cells of our body which is responsible for our aliveness.

We have a wonderful transport system that exists inside the cytoskeleton which supplies the required material to the target area.
Our factories produce lots of garbage during its functioning which runs 24×7×365. So our body has got a great garbage disposal system known as Lysosome. Lysosomes are very efficient disposal organelles that remove the toxic byproducts of the factories and other biochemical reactions.

Our cells have the adaptive intelligence of 250 million of evolution. They have all the know-how of what to do when. They are all signal-dependent. They will modify them according to the signal they receive. if we send a good signal to them they will function wonderfully well till the end and we will be healthy forever.
Each cell of ours is more intelligent than us.

We are made up of 70 to 80 trillion cells... This means we have an equal number of brains all over the body which has got the power to receive, analyze and send information to the desired destination just like our brain.

The New Biology has proved that we are not only a Mind-Body phenomenon but are a Body of Millions of Minds. We are more powerful than we think of.


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